Monday, March 14, 2011

Our trip to Disneyland...

We had a wonderful two days at Disneyland.  We didn't get the greatest of pictures, the boys were super busy and all over the place, and our camera was acting up.  But we got a few good ones, and we made lots of memories while we were there.  Caillou was a bit more timid on some of the rides than Jasper was, and Ollie was just curious and mesmerized by everything.  Caillou's favorite ride is my favorite ride... It's a small world! I rode the Matterhorn for the first time ever, I did not like it!!! We stayed at a hotel by the park. The boys were so puzzled by the hotel, they kept wondering if we were going to live there forever.  At the hotel we gave the boys Woody dolls from toy story, and they were thrilled!!!!  They also had lots of fun playing with their Mr. Potato heads and eating cotton candy we brought back from Disneyland.  The boys had so much fun, and so did I!  It was really a fun and magical experience for us, and I hope we can do it again someday.


  1. Love it! I see you stayed at the Candy Cane. How did you like it? I want to hear more! Ha ha! I love the all tuckered out from Disneyland photo.

  2. That last picture says it sweet..looks like it was a great family happy you all got to daughter Kathy and her family are leaving for a four day camping son Thomas and his family are here visiting me this house is running over with noise and excitement :)
    His kids are 2,4,12,18...then all ten of the grands have been in and out since's been a door slamming,food flying,dirt sweeping time...but,I am loving it...all to soon they will be gone and I will recover the house and get back to my old routine....blessings

  3. So glad you had a great trip! Disneyland is the happiest place in the world after all!


lovely little notes