It seems that even with my best intentions to post more often, time slips by, and I am less than stellar at writing new posts. I have become a bit discouraged with blogging. I am one of those people that get caught up on little things like number of blog followers, and I love to read each and every comment that is left. Since I switched to this new blog, it seems there are less and less people who read, and fewer comments, and I sometimes wonder, if I should even bother to still keep a blog. But then I remember, my intentions of starting this blog was to be a memory keep of our adventures. A journal to print out at some time, and make into a little book of our crazy days. So I will continue to blog.... but if there are any people out there who visit my little space, please do leave a comment, I truly enjoy them! We have had some cold weather for our area, we may even get snow this weekend! SNOW!!!! Very exciting.... not so esciting for the garden. I got a bit excited and planted some veggies a bit soon, and frost and rain has not been kind to the poor little plants. Hurry up spring...I am ready! I have been sewing up a storm.... overalls for the boys, blankets, pants, stuffed loveys, I even made a dress for myself out of this cute pattern... I made view A in a very cute floral

pattern. It was a bit frumpy and maternityish at first
so I made a sash for it, and now I love it. All that is left to do is sew the buttons in the back. I plan to make at least 2 more from this pattern. I have been slow to upload photos from my camera... but many projects have been in the works. Sewing projects, crafting projects, homemade playdough, birdie treats, painting projects, little boys room projects... lots of projects. Today I painted the boys' dresser drawers pale green, blue, and aqua, it really perked up the room. I have cut out some cardstock clouds and am making a sunshine to hang up, along with some glow in the dark stars. I have my heart set on making them so new bigger sized quilts for their bunk beds... bunk bed sized blankies and quilts have been on my mind for a while, I just have not gottet to it yet, or had the funds for fabric. Soon, I hope. I would love to make something with polka dots, lots of different polka dots, and then some cutesy large prints. Something unique, retro, and colorful!!! Well, that is what we have been up to!
I've been following your blogs all along, just never left a comment before. I found you through Boo Bah (I also have kitties) and enjoy seeing your fun days with your little boys. I have 4 boys myself, but only two can still be considered little lol. I started my blog to chronical our days of homeschooling, but find that it is a wonderful way to keep memories (and myself somewhat sane.) I suggest not worrying about keeping up or stastictics (although I'm guilty of that as well) and just blog 'cause you enjoy it. :)
ReplyDeleteI love coming here to visit you and your little brood...Please,don't stop blogging...I know you are very busy with your little ones but,I have been so blessed to see them learn and grow through your blog....I am sure there are others who feel the same as I do....if you should choose to stop,than it is your decision and I will honor it but,I will miss all of you so much :(
ReplyDeleteNo pressure intended :)...you to as you feel led with no regrets...
Blessings dear Ashly...waiting to see some of your finished projects,Shelley
I love the pictures of Ollie but the one with the string of cheese hanging out of his mouth has got to be the funniest.
ReplyDeleteSounds as though you have been busy sewing. Post pictures of your loveys and your dress please??
Kiss the boys for me.
I too quietly follow your blog and followed you from pocketfulls of sunshine to here. Like you, I am the mother of three boys, though mine are a bit older. I too like to crochet and sew quilts, though I don't tend to sew clothing like you. I don't personally blog, nor do I formally follow any blogs, but I do have several I like to visit regularly. Yours is my favourite. It never fails to make me smile. When I am feeling overwhelmed by life with three boys (two who have special needs...one with cerebral palsy, one with ADHD) I find your blog is a place I can go to remind myself that I am not the only person living this crazy, three boys life!!!! It's just like visiting a friend and having some tea.
ReplyDeleteQuite frankly I don't know how you do it all. Husband on the road, three boys, worried about money, special needs, homemade everything, AND blogging...it's a lot. I think you're pretty amazing. I hope you keep blogging but can understand how it might sometimes feel like one more thing you need to do.
I will keep popping by and hope you are here.
I like it here.
Daisy in Ontario (unlike you, we have LOTS of snow!!!)
ps....I really like your music!