My darling Caillou is nearing 3 in a few months. I can hardly believe that my little boy is growing up so very quickly. It seems as if it were only yesterday that I was sitting in Del Taco eating large quantities of nachos with my mama, and wiggling uncomfortably in my chair, as Caillou kicked at the insides of my belly, making his presence known. I remember so very clearly, laying on the operating table, and feeling the doctors tugging and pulling at my insides to deliver my 9 pound 4 ounce bundle of joy. I remember his first cries, I cried as well, his sweet newborn cries was the most beautiful sound that I have yet to hear. His cries announced that he was here, full of life and ready to make his mark in the worlds, his cries also represented the birth of a mother. Me, a mother, those sweet cries belonged to MY baby. I remember laying on the operating table, being stitched up from my c-section, and all of a sudden exclaiming " my heart burn is gone!" I remember bringing him home from the hospital and laying him in his crib for the first time, wearing pale blue knit overalls, and a soft little hat. I remember his first smile, first coo, first laugh, is seems as if it were all but a moment ago. I remember his first word " mama" he was four months old, and he was addressing our dog! I can clearly recall at 10 months old picking him up in my arms, and whispering into his ear " you are going to be a big brother my little one" he was the very first to hear of mommy's exciting news. I have so many memories with my little man, pony rides, story books, strawberry picking, hammock naps, stomach flu sheets, candy hunts in the yard, library visits ( being kicked out of the library too!), cookie baking, dirt digging, bubble baths, finger painting, sweet "I love you's" and tumultous noisy tantrums, soft toddler kisses, and painful toddler bites! I have many many sweet memories with this little man. As I write this post, he sits next to me eating chese crackers, holding puzzle pieces, and is telling me of his love of ham and eggs. He is a strong, free spirited, lively little boy. Sometimes this wee boy is nearly the death of me, after a day of his mischief, I look as if I am on my last legs. But as I put him to bed, exasperated, exhausted, and often times feeling like quite a flop of a mother, I know that he is the best part of me! He is my heart and soul. Naughty or not, I could not survive a single day without him by my side. After he has settled down into bed, and finally drifted off to sleep, I cannot help but sneak into his room, and play with his wild hair, and whisper into his ear how much he means to me. I pray for him, to be healthy and happy, and also pray that he will not bite his brother or hit mommy. I kiss him goodnight, and wait for another day with my little sunshine to come.
Absolutely gorgeous photos, I love the feet one, and a beautiful post to go with it. Though it is too bad he called the dog mama!
The dirty feet is so sweet. All the pictures are wonderful! Your post comes from your heart. I know how much Caillou tries your patience at times, but it is as you say, he is a wonderful little boy. He is full of life and he definitely knows what he wants. Sometimes he is as funny and swwet as he is naughty. He reminds me greatly of a little girl I once knew. Can you guess? :.)
aka your Mama
Such sweet words of a mothers love for her little ones...I remember writing loving words of appreciation and gratitude for my little ones as well. They were truly the light of my life next to God himself.....
ReplyDeleteEnjoy every second with your babies as they grow up way to fast and leave only memories of such precious times...
Thanks for sharing this beautiful post and very sweet babies with us....
What a beautiful peek into a mama's heart and soul.