Caillou and Jasper are both going to preschool this year!!! Jasper has been super duper excited!!!! All last year he watched big brother Caillou climb aboard the big yellow school bus, all the while anxiously waiting for it to be his turn. Each day asking " I go school now?" And finally I can answer "yes, you can go to school now!" Yesterday was their first day, they won't start going consistently on a schedule for another week or two, but by mid September I will be the proud Mama of two little preschoolers. Mornings will be just Ollie baby and me, I am not sure what I will do with 3 hours of "quieter" time. Yesterday Caillou cried and cried and was very reluctant to go back to school. Jasper was the exact opposite, he was so excited and so proud of his backpack. We celebrated afterwards with balloons,the playground and McDonalds, and the back to school fairy left bedtime cupcakes for the boys!