In our little town, all the Halloween festivites are being conducted today. The excitement in our house is very adorable! All morning Caillou has been practicing, " Trick or Treat" .... "Thank you, Happy Halloween." At 3 pm, as Caillou puts it..."let the wild rumpus begin" we will be going up and down main street, trick or treating at all the little shops. Daddy is coming home from work early, and meeting us along main street, then we are going out to dinner at our most favorite little taco shop. Afterwards, we will go to our church trunk or treat, for more candy collecting, some games, and a cup cake walk. Caillou is dressing as "Max" from "Where the Wild Things Are" and Jasper is going as a little gnome! I finished sewing their costumes last night, and they are quite giddy about the whole thing. The above picture shows their headpieces, after tonight there will be many more pictures to come!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
That Mommy....
This morning I woke up and decided no matter how tired, dizzy, and morning sick I felt, I was going to be "That Mommy" you know, the one who makes a huge hot breakfast for her kids, the one who does everything perfectly, the one whose motherly deeds are remembered for generations to come. So being "That Mommy" this morning.... I made hashbrowns, sausage, toast, and scrambled eggs... laid by our own chickens, yes I am quite proud of our chickens and their egg making wonders. I can't tell you how many times I ran to the bathroom morning sick before breakfast made it on the table,but it did make it to the table. I layed on the couch, enjoying seeing my family eat, then ran to the bathroom again. But.... determined to be "That Mommy" I then asked Caillou to join me in the kitchen to bake cupcakes for his Sunday School Nursery class. We made little white cupcakes with homemade cream cheese frosting, which I of course didn't want to just spread on, I want to pipe on with a pastry bag and special star tip, then we put a candy corn in the center of each one and sprinkled yellow and orange sprinkles atop. Then I put together Caillou's behavior card. In attempts to help him overcome some of his misbehaviors, we have begun introducing some new methods of teaching around here. One of which being, short term behavior cards. He gets a sticker on his card for doing good behaviors and gets a sticker for not doing bad behaviors. I am making them for him to use when we a meal out, a special play date, a trip to somewhere fun, and for his time in Sunday School. This one focused on no hitting, no biting, no yelling, following directions, sharing toys, listening to the lesson in class, and being kind. Okay, so breakfast done, cupcakes done, behavior card done, Jasper napped, Caillou dressed for church, mommy dressed for church, okay all of us successfully on time to church. Now before you think that I am wonder woman, getting all this accomplished in time to be to church bright and early, let me just shatter that illusion, our church starts at 1pm. So, no... not wonder woman. Got through the first hour of church, didn't throw up on anyone. Now that is quite the accomplishment, I am one of those pregnant ladies that just throws up without any warning, throws up in very un-throw-uppy places.... in front of the meat counter at the grocery story, at the drive-thru of McDonalds, in the pet store, in a trick or treating pumpkin. It is quite terrible. But, I made it through the hour. I got Caillou off to his class, handed Jasper off to Daddy.... and then I snuck out of church and went to Quiznos for a bowl of brocolli cheese soup and returned before anyone ever noticed I was gone. I know it was very naughty of me, but I was really quite hungry, and I am growing a baby, so I felt entitled to my craving. 3rd hour of church rolled around, and Iwas sooooo tired and feeling queasy once again. I really wasn't feeling like "That Mommy" was going to make an encore appearance this evening. So "That Mommy" became "This Mommy" the one who laid on the couch and couldn't change any diapers, couldn't cook any dinner, and couldn't get up if my life depended on it. I tried very hard to get Caillou to request in his sweetest of voices.... " Daddy, Sizzler.... salad bar, all you can eat buffet?" I totally understood what he was saying, but Daddy thought he was requesting a trip to the desert. No luck, no Sizzler. Finally Daddy, got the idea that I was not leaving the couch, and he fixed dinner. I did manage to play a game of Candyland with Caillou while I laid on the couch, and snuggled little Jasper before he fell asleep, but that was it. This is a hard time for me, I always want to do so much, bake yummies for my littles, sew them special things, take them on adventures, then when I get so sick that I don't feel up to all these things, I feel like a terrible mommy. I am trying to learn to pace myself, and not feel guilty or inadequate, but I struggle. I am also working on not being so grouchy. Feeling sicky brings out the grouch in me. Well, thanks for listening to my rambles.... Goodnight!
P.S. There would be pictures of our little cupcakes but my camera is broken. Another reason in which I am grouchy. I feel like I am losing memories by the hour, not being able to take pictures of my precious ones. I am praying that the tooth fairy will leave me a new camera under my pillow. I'm not holding my breath on that one.
P.S. There would be pictures of our little cupcakes but my camera is broken. Another reason in which I am grouchy. I feel like I am losing memories by the hour, not being able to take pictures of my precious ones. I am praying that the tooth fairy will leave me a new camera under my pillow. I'm not holding my breath on that one.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
We love Autumn...
I love love love this picture, it just captures Caillous fun loving little spirit perfectly
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Stray dogs, emergency rooms, chicken murder, drive in movies, apple pie, and pumpkins....

This week has been quite long. Our favorite chicken, Magnolia, passed away this friday, she had a very tragic ending to her sweet 10 months spent here at the Little Hillbilly Farm. We are all trying to be at peace over the circumstances of her passing, but it was quite unexpected and very unfortunate. She will be greatly missed. Magnolia Chicken loved to come inside the house and sit in her favorite chair. She was very tolerant of Caillou and Jasper's affection and would not protest when she was carried from room to room and offered rides in toy cars, and snuggles with sutffed animals. She loved to find worms, eat watermelon, and blueberries were her most favorite treat of all. She was a very good chicken. Caillou is very sad, he was very good with his chicken, we will be getting him a baby chicken tomorrow, hopefully this one will be as sweet of a friend to Caillou as Mangnolia was. Later that evening, was spent in the emergency room, I was cramping and spotting. But all ended up being well, I had my first sonogram and was able to hear baby's strong heartbeat, and see baby too! Baby is healthy and mommy is quite relieved! It was so wonderful to hear the baby's heart beat, it is such an amazing experience. All though I have done this twice before, I don't think the miracle of pregnancy will ever cease to amaze me and bring me to tears, hearing those first heart beats, seeing that tiny little blur on the sonogram screen, and finally getting to hear a baby's first cries. It is truly a wonderful thing.

Well, that pretty much sums up our week. Oh, not quite, my cell phone met its death in the toilet bowl yesterday morning, my camera also is not any longer working, so I will be saving my pennies for another one, I can't bear to think of being without pictures of my little ones, even for just a little while, they grow far too fast! Well, this next week will be a busy one, we are going to another pumpkin patch on tuesday. I hope to can some homemade apple butter, make pumpkin pies with the boys, and do some sewing and gardening. Have a great week Y'all!
p.s. to all my bloggy friends, I apologize, I am, horrible about leaving comments on your blogs! I love all your blogs and visit them all the time, however it just seems that right as I am about to leave a comment... someone goes on time out, a gallon of milk has been spilled on the floor, someone is being bitten, diapers have gone missing and there are 2 naked little savages running amuck in the house, or a rainbow streaked child comes to me covered in paint, someone has eaten a crayon, a playmate has drowned a chicken, cookies are on fire, morning sickenss attacks me, there is a small flood, a tunnel to china is being dug in the front yard, there is always something! But I love you all! I love the sweet comments you leave me, they do truly encourage me and bring me many smiles, I love to read of your families, craft projects, and many wonderful posts that inspire me and bring happiness to my days. One of these days, I swear I will actually be better at commenting, perhaps when the kids are in college!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Morning sickness....
I have not felt much like blogging lately. I have been feeling quite icky with morning sickness. Ha! It is a bit more like round the clock sickness. I have been doing my best to try and rest, but rest is something I get very little of around here due to a certain spunky little boy....Caillou. Caillou is ever at my side, even when I am in the throes of morning sickness clinging to my dear toilet bowl. Caillou is right there, squealing..." Oh my, that's a lot mommy" "EEEWWW mommy threw up" " Mommy is the baby getting out?" Then he makes his own little morning sickness sounds and gags and spits, always wanting to not be left out of anything, he is certain that he too is morning sick and his tummy also needs the magic lotion so he doesn't get stretch marks too. Do I dare tell him, that only mommy's get morning sick and that he most certainly won't be experiencing stretch marks any time soon... or let him enjoy his "sickness" a bit longer and have a greasy, well lotioned belly?
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Little Hands....
Sunday, October 4, 2009
A Blue Monster Birthday....for BLUE MONDAY
Happy Birthday Blue Monster
Please Visit
Thanks Sally for creating Blue Mondays!
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