please keep baby in your prayers.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
happy, happy, happy news
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Love, Mama

Saturday, September 26, 2009
The end of summertime...
Monday, September 21, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
September fun....
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Feeling crafty....
I have been in a very creative mood as of lately, okay, I am always in a baking, sewing, crafting, I want to make something sort of mood. But I have actually been quite productive, and doing more than just ooh and aahh over other people lovely creations... In the past two weeks I have made the boys blue velour robes from an old blanket. I finished up their little jackets, and 4 long sleeve shirts, and have been crocheting little bathtime wash cloths for them. I canned some nectarines too! I have so many projects going through my mind, and never enough time to do them it seems. And just as I get one project checked of my to do list, I think up about ten more! Before the end of this week I would like to can pickles, chunky applesauce, and maybe some blueberries. I also want to get started on my Christmas projects, and make some Halloween decorations too!
Monday, September 14, 2009
My two little men...

Thursday, September 10, 2009
My little Kitchen
My house is quite small, but I really do adore it. I have all these ideas for it if someday I actually owned this little old house rather than rent it. Plans to build a room here, build another there, make another little nook for me to hold school in for my little ones. I would build a solid wood fence on the sides of the house, and a white picket fence in the front, a gazebo out back with fancy twinkling lights to enjoy summer evenings with the kids, and of course a sewing room would be added on to the house as well! But, fantasizing about things, don't make them come true. For alas, I am poor, and probably will remain that way for the rest of my life. Each year, our income grows smaller and smaller, and my hopes for a home of my own diminish a bit more. I pray that we will be able to stay in this little house for as long as we can, I love it, and do all that I can to give it a feeling of home for the boys. My idea of home is something sunshiny, bright, cheerful, welcoming, full of heartfelt everday homemade touches. Old fashioned, vintage goodies, little second hand treasures, quilts, flowers, and a modge podge of homemade goodness fills every crevice of my house. I hope you enjoyed a peek into my kitchen.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Our day...
Sunday, September 6, 2009
pickle relish and pint sized furniture....
A week ago, I began building the boys a table and two chairs. I am happy to say that it is now finished. The boys love it, and are having lots of fun eating lunch at their little table, playing with playdough, and doing lots of reading and arts and crafts. I put many a coat of verathane on the table top, so it is very glossy, and cleans up very easily. I have been in a very homemaking, nesting, creative sort of mood lately. Okay, I am always in this mood, but I am actually getting things accomlished, so I am feeling quite pleased. This weekend I made homemade pickle relish. Now I am in quite the mood to do some more canning. I have a very large bowl of nectarines ripening, and getting ready to be canned. And I think I want to do some cinnamon spiced apples, and perhaps some blueberry pie filling. I sewed a skirt for myself this weekend, and began sewing two soft blue robes for the boys for wintertime. I am making them out of an old blue blanket from my childhood. Tonight Caillou helped me lay out the pattern pieces. He tried his best to be helpful. He handed me straight pins as I needed them, and threw scraps away for me. His favorite job was to take the pins out of the pattern pieces, after a piece had been cut, and stick the pins into the pincushion. It would have been much quicker, and a bit more relaxing if Caillou had not decided to be mommy's helper, but it was a sweet feeling to have my little one beside me helping me to make him something. All the while saying "I want to help mommy, I a weallly weallly goood boy." My pattern pieces are a bit more torn than usual, and the fabric is cut a bit jagged and crooked, but a lasting memory will be stitched into these little robes. I can hardly wait until the cold weather comes and I can wrap up my little guys, in bits of my old blue blanket.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Burgers and nudity....
Today, Caillou ran though Burger King stark naked. The wonderful Mr. Caillou is in the ever so delightful process of being potty trained. He is doing really good with keeping his diapers dry... he had just finished eating his slice of hershey pie and loudly announced " I need to go pee-pee" So we march onwards to the potty, and while he was doing his duty, I was rinsing out his shirt and shorts in the sink, which were covered in chocolate. Before I could get him into a fresh diaper and clean clothes, he took of at lighting speed, bare bottomed, wearing nothing but a smile and sneakers and ran throughout the burger king. A couple of teenage boys found it hillarious, announcing there was a streaker at burger king. And my mama and papa laughed wildly and Jasper clapped his hands. It was an interesting evening, one that brought a smile to everyone's face and laughter to everyones lips. My days are crazy, and usually never free of some form of chaos, but I love it. Whether it is the wild moments or the simple times, motherhood is the best! Trying and tiring, but more rewarding and wonderful than anything else I have yet to experience. P.S. During Caillou's naked running marathon, he was singing the theme song to "Bob the Builder" Have a wonderful evening, y'all!
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