Hello, welcome to my new little corner of blogland.... Pocketfulls of Sunshine! Life, is a journey full of ups and downs, or more like very large dips in the road and mountainous speed bumps. At times, life, or the hardships that we experience in life, can seem to be more than we can bear. But if we do our best to keep on the sunny side of things, always seeing the good in people, places, and circumstances, we may just start to see life a little differently. A little easier, a little happier, a little more sunshiny! I have been quite blessed, Caillou and Jasper are the sunshine in my soul. They brighten up the darkest of days, and the most daunting of circumstances. My life revolves around their sweet smiles, sloppy kisses, and eternally sticky hands. So here I am, my arms full of two darling little ones and my heart full of love, doing my best to carve out a little happy haven for myself in this crazy world and fill my little ones world full of happiness, love, carefree oblivious bliss, and sunshine.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
This and that...
This week has seemed to have just flown by so quickly. Tuesday was intended to be a day spent recooperating from our long day at Disneyland, however our poor chickens were out of feed so we made a trip down the hill to pick up some. We decided to stop in at the McDonalds's while we were down the hill. They have an air conditioned indoor playground, which the boys love, and mommy does too!!! And it doesn't hurt that they have 1 dollar hot fudge sundaes! When we came home, instead of resting, I began building the boys a little table and chair, something I have been planning for a while, but just had not yet begun. The rest of the week was a blur of assembling chairs, sanding, varnishing, painting, sewing little chair cushions and trying to air the house out from the strong smell of verithane and wood stain. The table is almost finished and I am feeling excited about posting some pictures of it when it is all done. On thursday, me and the boys had a special treat, we went to Sizzler for a late lunch, grandma's treat. The boys ate like kings, and especially enjoyed their dessert. Throughout the week, the little wading pool was kept full, and the boys cooled off there quite a bit. We have been having 100+ degree weather, and without air conditioning we are melting!!! I sat out under the umbrella, and watched the kids have a good time splashing, and playing, and nothing beats a soaking wet little one snuggling up in your lap, too cool you off from summer heat. We moved our little slide up to the wading pool, Caillou slid down the slide into the water so much, his poor little bottom was bruised the next morning! Tonight the air was cool, Jasper woke up, and we spent some time out in the hammock, enjoying the cool, swaying under the trees. He is such a snuggly little boy. I hope my arms are never empty of a snuggling child. This week, I worked hard trying to list everything in my etsy shop, I am having troubles with uploading my pictures, to many mb's or kb's or something like that, so my etsy shop is moving a little slower than I would like...but one of these days, y'all will find a link, and my shop will be open. I am surviving the heat these days, by looking forward to winter. Today I began crocheting a little red scarf for Caillou. I have a hand me down blue velour blanket that I plan to either make pajama's or robes out of for the boys. Our little house gets soooo cold in the winter. Yes, I live in sunny California,so for those of you who brave snow each winter, I don't know how you do it. Our house doesn't have any insulation, or a heater, and with us being so poor, running space heaters are out of the question. So, we just have to bundle up. Last year I felt as if I were going to freeze. Our house inside was in the 30's most days, even if it were in the 40's or 50's outside, this old house seems to freeze up in the winter, and burn up in the summer. I was so cold, I just didn't want to move. I plan on doing lots of baking to warm up my kitchen, and bundle up my boys, in lots of warm clothes. Considering I don't own a single long sleeve top, I am going to need to try and build up my winter wardrobe a bit before the cold weather comes. I know I am a bit odd, to be thinking so much about the cold, but like I said, it is the only thing that is getting me through this horribly hot weather! Well, I am not sure what this next week holds in store for me. Tomorrow we will go to church, and I have planned to make the boys some whole wheat breakfast cookies,but other than that.... I have a week ahead of me to plan. I am hoping to get lots of crafty projects accomplished. I hope y'all have a wonderful rest of the weekend!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The very long day at Disneyland....
Friday, August 21, 2009
A little about me...
1. I have never lived more than 30 minutes away from where I was born.
2. I went to bed with a jar of crayons rather than a stuffed animal when I was little.
3. I spent 16 years of my life as a tap dancer. I still teach a class every now and then.
4. I have never had a big dog, I have had lots of little ones though, Tia, Trinket, Tita, & Pearlene
5. I didn't get my drivers license until 1 month before Caillou was born.
6. My grandma is my best friend.
7. I don't like airplanes, spiders, scary movies, freeways, or snakes
8. I used to have my nose pierced.
9. My favorite color is yellow.
10. I am a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
11. I have an addiction to eating out, my grandma supports my addiction!
12. I am an only child, my grandma raised me.
13. My kindergarten boyfriend was Patrick Wheatcroft, we planned to be married at mcdonalds.
14. I am a night owl.
15. I have never worn high heel shoes a day in my life.
16. I was almost named Victoria Nichole, my nickname would have been vicky-nicky!
17. I started a teddy bear making business when I was 14.
18. I have the names picked out for all the babies I plan on having!
19. My favorite flower is gerbera daisies and yellow roses too!
20. I don't like Italian food.
21. I have gone to christian school, public school, and homeschool, I graduated at 16.
22. I lived in the same house for 20 years of my life.
23. I am now living in the town, that my Grandma grew up in, in a house behind the church she attended as a teenager.
24. I secretly want a bright yellow volkswagen bug, with flowery upholstery!
25. I am 5 feet 10 inches tall.
26. I love freckles, chocolate malted crunch ice cream from thrifty's, polka dots, fifties dresses, aprons, and miniature donkeys.
So, that's it in a nutshell. 26 things about me. I am just your average run of the mill plain jane sort of gal, with an aspiration to be a croos from little miss suzy homemaker and the lady that lived in a shoe!
A fun day ahead....

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Indecisive little old me...
Allright Y'all I have hummed and hawed as to whether or not I should start a new blog, build a webpage, do an etsy store... on and on and on. So... I am keeping the blog, no webpage, no confusing new blog address, same blog, new look, and for my handmade goodies, I have opened up an etsy account, I have not listed any of my little lovelies for sale yet, but as soon as I do, I will link up the store to this blog. Allrighty, goodnight!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Smiles for just seventy cents....

Today I made a quick errand to the store. Usually during our shopping trips, Caillou steals the spotlight, taking front and center with his rowdy, " I don't want to be shopping Mommy" 2 year old behavior. For example.... Tuesday evening was spent in the emergency room, after what was supposed to be a quick trip to K-mart. Now Jasper..... being a calm and usually happy go lucky baby, just sits back and watches his boisterous brother in wonder, and amusement... never fusses, and therefore gets less than his fair share of attention. So today, during our quick little errand, I decided to make my focus be on Mr. Jasper.... there was a new little ride outside our grocery store, a mechanical cow, I shook my little blue tin can out ( for some reason, my money always resides in my little can, rather than a wallet) and found two quarters. Jasper was quite happy with his little ride. Once inside the store, we went to the bakery and I got a little potato roll for him for just twenty cents. He happily munched on it in my arms all through the store and out to the parking lot. He was a very cheap date! Just seventy cents! But boy oh boy, the smiles he was giving me. He was very happy to have his mommy's undivided attention, and a couple extra treats! In other news..... my husband came home to his little family on Wednesday evening. It has been a rocky three weeks. But, he is home now, and will be beginning counseling soon, and is doing his best to give his heart to the Lord, and become the man that we need him to be. It is my most sincere prayer, that our little family will be strengthened, and that we will never again have to go through such unhappy times. Right now as I sit here making this post for my blog, Caillou is busy painting on the porch with his little easel all set up and Jasper is napping. I am about to put some cornbread in the oven, and work on a little more sewing. I have been working on lots of little projects for my shop. I am not sure whether I will be starting up a webpage, or an etsy shop, but I will be starting up something. I definitely want to make some changes, something new, sunshiny, and bright! Until then, this happy little homemaker of the little hillbilly farm will continue to post here! Have a happy weekend y'all!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
New news, new blog....
Well it has been a busy week. Caillou learned how to ride his tricyle this week! There were many trips to craft stores, we went on a scavenger hunt at the best donut shop in the world, stayed up late with my friend sewing, my cousin came into town for a visit, I taught a tap dance class, and worked on a lot of crochet. We had an evening of play at the park, made some chocolate yummies, and have worked on our yard. When the weather cools down we are going to plant some more grass seed in the back yard. As of this morning, the hubby decided to come home. We are going to give things another try, with lots of counseling and the Lord's help, perhaps there will be a happy ending to this story. Please keep my little family in your prayers. In other news... I am still in the works of a new blog, with a shop too! I will keep y'all updated with the new blog stuff,but try not to neglect this blog while the new one is in works. Have a happy week.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
time for a change....
I removed my most recent post, at the advice of a close friend. I have been doing some thinking, and with all the changes that are going on in my life right now... I will be making some changes around here on my blog too. Not to fret, it may take me a while... but I'll be back and better than ever. The blog that is :-) I have been crafting up a storm for a good while now, and plan to have a little shop up too! For all of you out there, who enjoy visiting my corner of blogland, please post a comment with your email... I may be changing the address of my blog and don't want to lose any friends out there.
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